Heavy Duty Flying Lead Orientation Tool
The Hevy Duty – Flying Lead Orientation Tool (FLOT) is designed to be used to orientate and guide flying leads subsea. HD-FLOT tool is primarily designed to take the Depro Class 2-4 Torque Tool (TT) but interface to other Torque Tools are available on request. Pitch alignment is done by hydraulic motor and a hydraulic cylinder gives the HD-FLOT a roll alignment.
- Dimensions (L x W x H) : 1313 x 568 x 568 mm
- Weigth w/Torque Tool: 142 kg
- Weigth FLOT frame: 99 kg
- Material: Aluminum, POM and Stainless Steel.
- Design water depth: 3000 m
- Pitch: +/- 90°
- Pitch capacity: 400 kg
- Roll: +/- 30°
- Roll torque: 1340 Nm
- Max. Hydraulic input pressure: 207 Bar @ 20L/min
- Hydraulic interface: Swagelok
- Interface towards WROV: Mounting base with possibilities for configuration against most available WROV in the market.
Base setup:
- HD-FLOT Including Depro TT CL 2-4 DEP-GA-0800
- Can be equipped with interface to other Torque Tools upon request.
Depro Class 2-4 Torque Tool (TT) used in the HD-FLOT has a Titan Grade 5 Nose for enhanced capacity.
Download product sheet:
Introduction to FLOT: