Article about Depro AS in Oil & Gas Innovation magazine
DEPRO Have Just Introduced a New Compact ROV Concept, BLUEROC We wanted to get a better understanding about the company behind this technology
Article about Depro AS and BLUEROC in DYP
The Norwegian magazine, DYP, publishes articles about underwater technology. In their second edition 2020, they have a nice article about BLUEROC, Depro and VideoRay’s new
BLUEROC, new, flexible and cost-saving ROV-solution
PRESS RELEASE: New ROV-concept from Depro AS, gives massive cost reduction for operators A number of ROV operations are expensive due to high cost of equipment and complex operation
Collaboration for cost-effective ROV solution
Depro AS and VideoRay LLC have jointly announced a new partnership. The objective is to develop field lighter and less expensive equipment for subsea operations
Attending the FFU conference
Depro attending the FFU conference January 30th at Clarion Sola Air Hotel. It would be great to meet you at our stand 16!
Looking for two new apprentices
Depro is conscious of its social responsibility and responsibility towards its own industry by always having apprentices in the company. We are now looking for