CEO at Depro AS, Kåre Stokkeland and a employee in the world largest Clamp connector

Clamp connector, the world’s largest

Published On: June 19th, 2018Last Updated: December 8th, 2022Categories: ArticleTags: , , , ,

Depro deliver equipment to take off and put on clamp connectors on subsea pipes. The tool will handle subsea pipes 1.2 meters in diameter at 1000 meters deep. No other equipment in the world is doing the same.

Depro has tested the equipment with GE oil & Gas. For three days the equipment was tested in different operations.
“The challenge is to get large and heavy equipment to be 100 percent accurate. It is very important when operating at sea depths of 1000 meters. During the test we saw that the equipment worked as it should, says Project Manager at Depro, Odd Rune Hølland.

“For us in GE oil & Gas, it is imperative that our suppliers identify and understand our needs for delivery of equipment according to requirements and agreed time,” says Jonas Gunnheim, Product Responsible Connection at GE Oil & Gas.

He is very pleased with the high focus Depro has had on project implementation, control of production and documentation requirements.

“The challenge of such a project is the small tolerances in combination with large structures and high weight. We rely on the right machinery and machining skills to comply with the strict machining requirements of GE Oil & Gas. Through cooperation with Depro, this has been solved in an excellent way. For this delivery, Depro has demonstrated high implementation capacity – to our satisfaction”, says Gunnheim.

Pipelines lying on the seabed are welded together, but in the transition to manifold the pipe is attached with a clamp connector. Normally, work with these clamp connectors will happen by lifting the various parts up and down.

“With this tool we will not let lift the clamp connectors up. Mounting and positioning will take place at 1000 meters deep. In addition, all maintenance will also take place on the seabed”, says Hølland.

GE Oil & Gas is a major subsea player, and one of Depros largest customers. The equipment will be used in a field outside of Australia.

“It is such a kind of work we are good at, and through testing these days we showed that the products are keeping goals. In addition, it is good to show that we are competitive and can supply equipment to the export market”, says Hølland.

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